Working harder than other is the key to success!

Posted on September 13, 2022Categories Job Opportunities

I work harder and smarter than my competition.
I am the hardest working person I know. I am drawn to hard work like a moth to a flame.
When I spend an entire day working hard, I feel good about myself.
I know my future is in my hands when I put in the time and effort to move my life
in a positive direction. I like being in control of my life. Hard, smart work is the way I
accomplish that.
Life is competitive, but I am free from concern. While there is competition in my field, I
work harder and smarter than my competitors.
My competitors fear my work ethic. It is one of the many things that sets me apart
from everyone else.
I spend my time intelligently. I know that the number of hours available each day is
limited. I use my hours in the smartest way possible. I know which tasks add the
greatest amount of value. I make the best use of my time each and every day
When I work smarter, I accomplish more and allow myself more free time to keep
my life in balance.
Today, I plan ahead to ensure I accomplish as much as possible. I spend my time
intelligently and outwork my competition. I work harder and smarter and then reap the
Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. How can I best use my time today? What do I most need to accomplish?
  2. How can I waste less time each day? How can I get more accomplished?
  3. What person or company is my greatest competition? How can I outperform

Hey Jobseeker! Reference checks work both ways.

Posted on August 27, 2022September 13, 2022Categories Career Advice, Job Opportunities

All jobs are full of moving parts during the interview process, but fundamentally it’s a two-way street. In order for this courtship to be successful employer and future employee need to move congruently. Unfortunately, most jobseekers know little to nothing about a potential employer. It’s crucial to learn as much as you can about a company before getting too far into the interview process to make certain you’re compatible.

If you don’t do that, you’ll likely be looking for another job within a year because what you thought was a dream job turned out to be a nightmare.

Continue reading “Hey Jobseeker! Reference checks work both ways.”

New York City Medical Sales

Posted on August 22, 2022September 13, 2022Categories Industry News, Job Opportunities

MEDSEARCH Recruiting Services, a national medical recruiting agency is currently representing a Blue Chip surgical specialty company seeking a successful medical sales person with 2+ years in hospital sales arena.

Must have hunter mentality along with relationship developing skills to continue building an existing territory of New York City marketplace.

Position offers 1st year income package of $150-160K + all expense, excellent benefits and 401K + stock options.

To learn more upload your resume at: ( click on submit resume link )

Select Charles Rippin as Recruiter of choice.

If qualified a phone interview will be arranged within 48 hours.