Why Clients Choose Us?

Simple – whether you have one specific opening or numerous needs, our recruiting team can get the job done …

Our recruiters are all experienced professionals with extensive industry knowledge and a thorough understanding of your marketplace thus saving you critical time and energy.


We administer and provide a unique online talent assessment and personal evaluation test to all referral candidates which provides better insight into the strengths and future potential of the jobseekers. This assessment helps us identify from past behaviors specific internal traits and keys that can transfer into future success. This ensures candidates recruited on our clients behalf are aligned with the special requirements they want and expect.

Since every company is unique, we place a strong emphasis on getting to know your business. We are committed to investing the time to learn about your organizational structure, decision-making process and corporate culture.

Whether you have one specific opening or numerous needs, our team can get the job done…

Start the wheel turning Now!   

For additional information – contact us at: 440-243-6363 or email us at: admin@unitedsalesrecruiters.com